I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! We had a busy but fun Easter weekend. On Saturday before running some quick errands, we went to our wonderful local grocery store for an Easter egg hunt.

They had hundreds of eggs hidden all throughout the store--plenty for everyone! Some of the eggs had candy and others had tickets for prizes. My daughter found one with a certificate for a free slice of pizza at the cafe in the grocery store! Plus every child left with a bag of candy and a kite! My two were thrilled with this!
Later in the day I finished up Easter preparations and made a surprise for my children for Easter Sunday...

A bunny cake! Not the most professional job, but I just think he's so cute! Super easy to make too--I just used two round cakes. One for his head and one for his ears (plus leftovers.) White frosting, jelly bean eyes and mouth, pulled apart Twizzlers for his whiskers, a Necco wafer for his nose, and pink sugar for the interior part of his ears.
Look at these "carrots" that went in Princess and Handsome's Easter baskets!

This idea is from a blog, but I can't remember which one. Anyhow, it worked really well for us because my little girl kept seeing those Reese's faux carrots in the store and really wanted one, but we can't do nuts because of my son's nut allergy. This was a great alternative!

Princess and Handsome were quite pleased with their Easter baskets! They weren't too elaborate, but they enjoyed everything in them, so that made me happy!

After baskets, it was time to look for eggs in the family room! Princess was a little too quick with finding the eggs, but was a good sport when we made her wait while her little brother found a few!

They were so good and it makes me happy to see them getting along so well. Aren't their jammies cute? They're organic cotton from Costco. I love them and wish I had bought more!

Next we read a Patricia Pingry book about Easter. It explains Easter really well for their young age and backed up what they've been hearing in Church. We have a lot of her books and like all of them.

After that I showed them the bunny cake I made--they loved it! Handsome even blew it kisses!

We squeezed in some pictures before leaving for church. And when I say squeezed, I mean squeezed! It was POURING rain out and this was the one dry corner of our front porch!

We arrived at Mass nice and early--the "holiday" Catholics tend to show up in droves on Easter, so we wanted to make sure we were able to get our usual pew at the front of Church. It was a very nice service and, for the second weekend in a row, we were selected to bring the gifts up front! The ushers have a soft spot for our children and seem to select us for this honor quite a bit!
After Mass we went on our traditional drive through the countryside--with the ultimate destination being ice cream! We started this tradition before we had children (back when we lived far from family) and we love sharing it with our children. Although now we're lucky enough to live within a couple of hours of our family, we've claimed Easter as the one holiday we celebrate as a family of four and we love it.

We did some
geocaching along our drive which made it a lot of fun. It is so wonderful to have an inexpensive hobby that the whole family enjoys...even in the rain!
All in all, we had a wonderful Easter weekend and I hope you did too!