Friday, September 5, 2008

Blackberry Freezer Jam

The children and I have stopped off a few times to pick blackberries on the outskirts of our church parking lot. Princess is a huge fan of blackberries whereas Handsome just likes to eat them while picking them--he's not so fond of them once we return home. I think he likes them when they're warmed by the sun. My little nature boy...well, except that he says "no like dirt!" whenever he realizes his hands are dirty!
Anyhow, I had the bright idea of making blackberry freezer jam so that I can stop spending a small fortune buying jam at the grocery store. It was so simple and easy--I made it during the time it took for my husband to give the children a bath. The only downside to this is that it has a TON of sugar in it. Really, a TON of sugar. Hmmm.
Here is the recipe I used--it worked out perfectly!

3 pints blackberries (6 cups)
5 1/4 cups sugar
1 box Sure-Jell
  • Mash berries (I used a potato masher) two cups at a time.
  • Add sugar to crushed berries.
  • Stir thoroughly and then let the mixture sit for ten minutes.
  • Put pectin and 3/4 cup of water in a pan and bring to a boil while stirring constantly.
  • Boil for one minute.
  • Add mixture to berries and stir for three minutes until sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Pour mixture into containers--make sure you leave expansion room at the top of the container.
  • Let your jam sit at room temperature overnight.
  • Keeps in the fridge for approximately three weeks or up to a year in the freezer.
I have more blackberries to use up (we've gone out picking three times) and will be stockpiling more jam in the freezer! I'm using these nifty plastic containers by Bell that are suitable for freezing jam. Most glass jars (including typical canning jars) are NOT safe for putting in the freezer. I made 8 containers of jam using the recipe I posted and I think each container holds 8 oz of jam.


  1. Yummy, yummy, yummy! What a fun time picking blackberrys and what a great outcome~ awesome jam! Cute pics, too! Happy day wishes~ Les

  2. That looks soooo good! I remember growing up there were some fields around our house and I was always out there picking was just too much fun!!!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! And can I just say YUM to your freezer jam! We have access to blackberrys just down the road. I think I need to go and pick some now.

    Love your blog too. great ideas and cute decor!!

  4. sarah,
    you are so lucky! our blackberries have crapped out on us this year. I usually can some jam and give it as holiday gifts. I canned for the first time a few years ago and it was SO easy! (and not as much sugar!)

  5. Hi! To comment from Bloglines I think you have to click on the blog. At least that is all I can figure out. :)

  6. Naomi, I've done traditional canning before and hated it! :) If you want some blackberries, go to my church (across the street from the high school)--there are loads!

  7. That looks really yummy! If we actually used jam, I'd make some!

  8. I am going to write or print that recipe down. It looks wonderful and I love blackberries especially on ice cream!

    I love your blog and I am going to add you my list!
    -Sandy toes

  9. YUMMY! Your son looks so sweet holding that container of berries. lol Yeah, they DO grow up fast. My son doesn't even like me taking photos of him anymore....much less when he's having fun!

  10. Our blackberries are just ripening over here on Whidbey.. We're going picking on the weekend, and I'm making freezer jam too! I like it better than processed, less sugar! YUMMY!

  11. I found you Sarah! After all that blog talk on Sat, I had to look up everyone's blogs!! :) I have one too but I don't post often and its pretty boring! LOL I love yours-its so pretty and you are so crafty and handy!! Anyway, I found a patch of blackberries on the empty lot nexto to us and will have to try to get more now to make jelly! After I made the cobbler I promised my family though! LOL They are so yummy!

  12. Oh YUM!
    I was going to suggest canning it, as well. This past summer, I found a recipe that was super easy - they all sealed b/c of the temp.
    I was on a hunt to find a recipe that didn't call for any pectin and that was low in sugar. This one called for 4 c, but I only put in 2.5 and it was sooo good. Everyone loved it. So if you ever give canning a chance...
