Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain for President.

Usually I avoid discussing politics with friends and have mostly maintained that here on this blog (except for that Rosie the Riveter poster on the side of my blog that highlights Sarah Palin)...but I just saw this YouTube video (it is less than two minutes long!) and it moved me to tears. If you have the time, please watch it through to the end. It is powerful.


  1. No Way! Another Republican in our small (liberal) town?!? (although I suspected you were....)

    I heart Sarah (Palin) ~ but Sarah, you too! :)

  2. About your birdcages. They were a bargain, cause I paid more for mine, and I did paint it metallic bronze with the intent of filling it with pumpkins. Can't wait to see what you do with yours. Jackie

  3. I love that video. I saw it last night. I love Palin sooo much. Because of her, McCain will get my vote.

    I am so glad you like your apron!

  4. First I had goose bumps and then the tears came! I'd love to post it to my blog as well. May I please "borrow" your idea?

  5. OH MY! I am sitting here wiping the tears from my eyes....what an amazing young hero. That was such a great video...his words were so powerful and softly spoken. I LOVE THIS!!! Thank you for sharing it. I wish I was smart enough to figure this stuff out because I would share it on my blog too!

  6. I was very moved by this video. I passed it on to my hubby, but by the time he came home from work, he said to me, "Hey, you have got to watch this video one of the guys showed me today."
    What wierd timing... so glad you posted it
