Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sculpting with Packing Peanuts!

The other day I received a delivery that was cushioned with biodegradable packing peanuts. I'm a big believer in recycling, so we had some fun with the packing peanuts. I like these biodegradable ones much more than the icky styrofoam ones.
We made sculptures with them! Dip them in a bit of water and they start to "melt" and will stick to each other...
It was only a little bit messy, I promise! The children were fascinated by it, too. Handsome is three and Princess is five and they both enjoyed this activity.
It was a good lesson for Princess, too, as she tends to be a bit of a perfectionist (hmmm, wonder where she gets that from?!) and biodegradable packing peanuts and perfectionism do not go well together!
Next time packing peanuts come into your house, check to see if they're the biodegradable is inexpensive fun for your children!


  1. What a great idea! I would never have thought of that! What fun!


  2. I'm so glad you stopped has been a while! What a great idea for the little ones. I didn't know you could craft with those peanuts.

    I also LOVE the pumpkin hair pieces you re-made for the recital. They turned out adorable! I know what you mean about money, money, money for costumes, dance, tickets, etc. My daughter has been in three classes for several years now. Next year she is only wanting to take Lyrical (combination of jazz/ballet). Fine with
