Thursday, April 23, 2009

Target Clearance

My poor little girl has been sick with a high fever (103+) since Monday! We finally have the fever mostly under control, but she was diagnosed with a sinus infection and an ear infection. Ugh! We have been going stir crazy around here! And then on Thursday morning I took my three year old to see the doctor because his temperature was creeping up and he was starting to cough...and he has bronchitis! Now they're both on azithromycin, so hopefully they'll be on the mend soon!
In the meantime, look at this cute tray I bought at Target for under five dollars! It was in the 75% off Easter clearance section last week and I couldn't resist it. I've been wanting a tray for my living room coffee table and this one fits the bill. I may paint it though...I'm not sure yet.
I wouldn't have paid the original $20 for it, but just under $5 worked well for me and was a much more appropriate price in my mind.

For more frugality, go on over to The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday!


  1. That tray is so cute. I love Target!!! It looks great on your coffee table.


  2. The tray is great! I hope your babies are well soon!

    Have a great weekend


  3. I love Target clearance, and their dollar spot! :)

  4. What a fabulous find!! Love the price!!!

  5. Your tray is adorable, especially for that price! I like how the springish colour ties in with your sofa pillows. A tray like that could be happy with a new coat of paint for every season!

    I hope your little ones are feeling better soon!

  6. How do you DO that? We shopt at the same stores and I never seem to find the cool things you do :(
    Hope the kiddos are feeling better soon so they can enjoy our sunshine! Let's meet up for a park day once everyone his healthy!!

  7. Doesn't Target do a GREAT job on those holiday clearance events?! Love them!

  8. why didn't my target have that?!! I love it and totally would have snagged it for $5.00 too.

  9. Great find. I love how you can always get a great deal at Target. I always shop their Global Bazaar section when it goes 50-75% off.

  10. Cute tray! Hope everyone gets better! Who is the patron saint of ear infections, anyway? Who knows. Just go with St. Jude ;-)

  11. What?! Why didnt they have something like that at my Target?! There was only candy left! haha. Great find!

  12. That tray is soooo cute!!!

    Hugs from Eventually Cottage!

  13. I love the tray! And I hope your littles feel better soon. I wish my target was closer......

  14. Oh man, I have been looking for a tray like that for awhile. I wish I had a target closer!

  15. What a cute tray! Wonderful fine. I hope your kiddos feel better soon. :(

  16. Great tray! I've been hearing about the great deals at Target lately, I'll have to head over.
    Hope everyone's feeling better at your house soon.

  17. Ooooo congrats! Definitely a great find! :) I hope everyone in your home gets well soon...


  18. OK, now I want to go to Target and buy one for myself. That is so cute, no matter if you paint it or not!
