Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Projects in Progress

Whoah, Nellie! I am in the midst of, dare I say, TOO MANY PROJECTS! What kind of crafter are you? Do you do one project before the next, or do you have ten bajillion of them going at the same time. It is feeling a bit chaotic around here--but I'm proud of myself, I went to JoAnn's AND Michael's today to return things and all I bought was one dowel at JoAnn's. I didn't allow myself to browse at all because I don't need any temptation to start new projects right now!

Here are pictures of some of my works in progress. (I say "some" because from where I'm sitting in the family room I can see two more...and I know that isn't all!)
This project is SO close to being done...I just need to find the right photographs and hang it up. Except I might repaint it (again) first. Hmmm.
This project actually is done and hanging on the wall, but I have so many unfinished things piled in front of it that I can't take a picture. Or at least not a picture that will actually show you THIS project and not all my other unfinished stuff.
This one is done too--but in the same vicinity as the one above and thus also partially obscured by STUFF.
This one is so close to being done. So close. But my little guy has been having fun playing with the pieces, so I've procrastinated finishing it up.
This is the BEFORE picture of this unfinished project. I've been at a standstill on this one for six weeks (after first stripping off all those hideous flowers and leaves) because I'm not fortunate enough to have a Hobby Lobby anywhere nearby and thus can't find faux boxwood. Woe is me.
This one I'm actually done with...but have yet to edit the pictures (as evidenced by the really dim picture posted here!)
Haven't started this project. I do, however, have a sanding block, folded dropcloth, and can of spray paint sitting on my kitchen floor waiting for me to start...does that count?
This is a BIG project involving our whole family. Let's just say Handsome is VERY excited about this one!
And then of course there are these projects--my most important projects of all. Having the opportunity to help shape and form them is amazing and one that I am so blessed to have. I love these children so incredibly much.


  1. It certainly sounds like you have a LOT going on. Can't wait to see some of your crafts.

    The last picture is beautiful. Children are the MOST important projects of all.♥

  2. when you have a chance, can you show how you made the magnetic board??

  3. WOW, you have lots going on! Can not wait to see them all.

    I do the same thing...I have a bunch of unfinished projects...just need to find time and motivation.
