Thursday, April 1, 2010

Magnet Board for under $5

I found a great tutorial on Beneath My Heart for a magnet board. I'm trying to make the wall area above my crafting table look cute...and this is a great start!

The base is a piece of aluminum--I bought mine at Lowes for less than $5--but don't be like me and tell the guy you're looking for tin...because then when he asks what you're doing with it and you say "making a magnet board" he is going to give you a strange look and remind you that tin isn't magnet. And then you just might tell him "well it will be when I'm done with it!" which then just might cause him to ask what strange alchemy (yes, he just might have actually used that word!) you'll be doing to turn it which point you might mutter something about maybe using magnetic paint or something like that while simultaenously beating yourself up for asking for help in the first place.

Traci at Beneath My Heart used cork to thicken up her board. I don't have cork, so I just used thick cardboard. I cut strips and hot glued them to the border of the aluminum (not tin!)
I plopped this aluminum/cardboard thing onto the backside of some fabric from my stash and cut out a large rectangle.
Then I hotglued the fabric onto the back of my board.
Next I glued a bow onto the front of the board and a ribbon hanger onto the back of the board. Do you recognize the fabric? Probably not. Anyhow, it used to be the mistreatment over my kitchen window. I've since abandoned those--I just don't have the mistreatment knack. So, I repurpsed the fabric.
I cut an extra piece of fabric and hotglued it onto the back of the board just to pretty things up a bit.
And that's it! I have plans for the magnets I want to make but I haven't made them yet. Not bad for less than $5!


  1. whata cute idea and a cute magnet board! :)

  2. Very nice!
    Do you have something that keeps your ribbon from fraying when you cut it?

  3. Karri, just use Frayblock or Fray Check on the ends of your ribbon--or you can heat seal them. :)

    ~ Sarah
