Moppets is the children's portion of the MOPS program. We are responsible for recruiting and training the teachers as well as developing the curriculum the children will follow in the classrooms while the mothers are at MOPS. Ack! This is a big responsibility and one that we take very seriously. I do have a bachelors degree in education (double major in developmental psychology and early childhood education) but this is very different than what I am used to doing!
I know I should have faith that God will provide...and I do. However I know that part of His plan is for me to work my tail off doing the best that I can for these children. Still, I look at the excitement and joy on my children's faces when they find out it is a MOPS day and I remember that all this work will be worthwhile.
Oh how my girls loved MOPS! It is so hard to believe they will be in 4th and 2nd grades this fall. Sigh...where has the time gone? I'm sure you'll do a super job with your new responsibilities!
Thanks, Rae! I'm nervous though! I only have one year of MOPS under my belt and now I'm co-leading MOPPETS! Yikes! Still, our steering team is great and I know I'll have them to lean on. Our last meeting for this year is on Thursday and we've already filled up some of our MOPPETS classrooms for NEXT year! This is the first year that has ever happened!
~ Sarah
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