Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Garage Sale Dresser

Remember this garage sale find? A wood Bassett dresser that I bought for $13--what a find! I finally finished sanding and stripping and sanding and sanding and sanding it...there was SO much peeling paint and so many layers of it.

Look at the top of this thing--I just couldn't get the rest of the paint off except in that one spot where it had been peeling in the first place.
So this weekend I took everything out into the yard and spray primed it and then spray painted it a nice glossy black. I used one can of primer and three cans of black spray paint.
I have to admit, it was far from perfect--you definitely could see where I wasn't able to get off all the gazillion layers of paint...but I did the best I could and I invested hours and hours into this piece. On Monday night we moved it into the house and I put my new silver colored knobs on it.
What's the matter? You were expecting to see a picture of the piece all finished?! Nope, sorry. Instead you get to see Handsome's smiling face. You see, yesterday (approximately 15 hours after the piece came inside) he took a comb and used it to "paint" the fronts of the drawers. Now there are HUGE scratches all over the drawer fronts and they need to be repainted!

On the plus side, I hadn't actually put anything into the drawers yet anyhow...


  1. At least you can find a "plus side" to that! :) I can't wait to see it! I bet it looks great!

  2. impressive! I love the dresser and one day you will laugh at what your cute little handsome did! Maybe he didn't like the color-or better yet, wanted to be just like mom. I would take it as a compliment.

  3. Aw, painting like mommy! So cute! Too bad you have to redo your work though. Can't wait to see the finished dresser!

  4. Oh No! and I sooo wanted to see it. Boys! gotta love em. From what is looks like-it is going to be amazing!! dont ya just LOVE black furniture?

  5. Oh my goodness--I SO did not expect that! :) I guess you didn't either, huh? You're not alone. I once had a new couch get painted with red lipstick! Can't wait to see the finished (again!) piece!!


  6. The true test of a mother's love. How adorable to post the photo of the sweet-pea culprit at the end. Good job Mom! Will stay tuned for the results.

    You've dropped by my site before. Well, we've posted the "Big Reveal" of Sara's french walls. Come take a peek. : )

    M.L. @ the house of whimsy

  7. This was such an amazing deal! Can't wait to see the finished non-Handsome "painted" version!

  8. Oh my gosh you poor thing! After all that work you put into it! We still want to see the dresser...scratches and all!! :)

  9. OH NOOOOO, yes, I was expecting to see it. One day that will be funny that he was trying to copy you....maybe after all the hours you put in not so funny right now. I look forward to seeing it when it does get done again.

  10. Oh no! I'm sorry you have to paint the drawers again. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy! lol I'll bet it will be beautiful with that final coat of paint. :o)

  11. Kiddos~ Even though we want to wring their necks sometimes, you just have to laugh, hu?!? He is so darn cute peeking out of the front door! Awwww. I can't wait to see the finished piece! ~ Les

  12. That's one of those stories you can remind him about when he's a teenager. Sometimes the best memories are the ones made up of the not quite so happy endings.
    Good Luck on giving the dresser a makeover makeover.

  13. Ohmyword! Poor Mommie! I can just imagine how you felt to discover you had your very own little furniture rehab-ber! I bet it looked great for the 10 seconds you had it finished and can't wait to see the after pictures from Round Two of painting *smiles*

  14. I so wanted to see the finished project....please?!
    Don't make us wait too long.

  15. You might think about those luncheon plates because around here you can find TONS of punch cups that fit. Just make sure the bottom fits in the little place for it. Some do and some don't. But I'm sure you will find some sets soon. :)

  16. THe glass plate was the hardest for me to find too. I finally found one at Old Time Pottery. :)

  17. oh my gosh! Dont you just love kids? When we were little, my sister "cleaned" my moms antique desk with hair spray. Needless to say, the entire front was white from then on! LOL But I cant wait to see it when its finally finished! :)
