Monday, September 15, 2008

Look what I won!

I was lucky enough to win this cutie-pie apron from Whitney over at My Journey Toward: The Glamorous Life of a Housewife. Love it!
My daughter claims it is for her, but there is no way--it is too cute to be relegated to the dress-up box! I'm going to wear it with pride while I do my best impression of a 50s housewife and make yummy goodies for my family! Thanks, Whitney!!
We leave tomorrow for Disneyland! See you all on Sunday or Monday--don't forget me while I'm gone! I'll be taking lots of Disneyland pictures. Handsome and Princess are very excited! In the words of Handsome... "go-in Dihneelan, see mih-he mouh an minnie mouh!!"


  1. What a great apron! So darling. Enjoy Disney!!!! Can't wait to read all about it and see the pics!

  2. Congrats on the apron! VERY cute. Have a wonderful time at Disney!

  3. Congrats on the apron!! That is so cute!

    Have fun at Disney!!! So fun!

  4. Awww, I love that apron! You'll have so much fun baking in it!!! Have fun in Disney. I can't wait to see post pics and hear all about it! Be safe!

  5. Very sweet, I have just started to actually use my vintage ones, never thought of doing that before!

  6. How cute! Lucky you!! Don't you just love winning a giveaway? I recently won one and it was so much fun to get a package in the mail!!
