Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, Princess!

Happy 5th Birthday, Princess!!

Five years ago, on December 4th, 2003, my sweet baby girl entered the world at 9:16am. It was a long hard labor that ended in a rush c-section, but it was worth every moment once I saw that baby held up over the blue drape! All ten pounds thirteen ounces and 22.25 inches of her! Her gender was a surprise and she was the first one to hear her name.

Now here we are, five years later, and our lives have changed SO much and our baby girl has brought so much joy to our life. She is an exuberant, vocal, happy, beautiful and bright little girl.

I love you baby girl, now and forever.


  1. Happy Birthday, *****!!!! I'm so glad to see you back in blogworld, Sarah! (((HUGS))) Let me know if you need anything!

  2. Aw, happy belated birthday to your cutie patootie little princess!
    Hugs, Les
