Sunday, March 28, 2010

Featured at No Time for Flashcards

No Time For Flash Cards

I'm so excited to be this week's featured blog at No Time for Flashcards! I love Allie's blog and my children and I love trying her craft projects and ideas.

By the way, if any of you caught the Catholic crafting post that I put up a couple of hours ago and then deleted, I apologize for the inconvenience. I hope to post it again in a day or two. Unfortunately in the less than two hours it was up, it attracted some unwanted attention on a different blog, including a hurtful comment about my little girl. I couldn't figure out how to block that website, so I took the post down.


  1. So excited that you are the featured blogger!

    Sorry about your post....

  2. I'm happy to have found your blog through NTFF.

    I am so sorry that you had to remove a post and have to deal with mean people. It's horrible that things like that happen.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog.

  3. I can't believe the nerve of people! We spend so much time teaching our children not to say mean things, If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all, then peope do just that!

    I'm so sorry you experienced that I was and am very excited to see your craft!

    I haven't post much catholic stuff just our Lent table but plan to more so this week.

    I'm adding you to my google reader great and wonderful blog!

  4. I too found your blog from NTFF's Sunday Spotlight. I look forward to reading more and have added you to my reader and am following you as well.

    I am so sorry about your post, sorry too you had to remove it and have hurtful comments directed at your daughter.

    It's ashame people can't respect others and remember that old saying I grew up hearing, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." I guess in this case it would be "don't type anything at all."

    I look forward to seeing more of what you post and hope you have a wonderful Easter.

  5. I just spent about a half hour reading your blog ideas! LOVE THEM! You have inspired me in SO many ways! Please keep it up! I will be a loyal follower! :)

  6. Very cool Martha! ;)

    I am sorry about the comments. That's just horrible.
