I've been tagged by Jill at
Forever and Ever House for a MeMe! My first time being tagged--woohoo! Go check out her blog and look at the cute bedding she picked out for her daughter's "apple blossom pink" bedroom. It is adorable!
So, about me...
1. What were you doing ten years ago?
Ten years ago it was the summer between my junior year and senior year of college. I was spending my fourth summer working as an intern in the customer service department of our local public utility district. It was a GREAT job that paid well and looked good on a resume. My boss was super nice too. I also was getting ready for my senior year of college--I was the senior class president of my college and had a lot to do to prepare for our senior year!
2. Five things on my to-do list today...um, how about I tell you five things I've already done--I've been very busy this morning because today is the first day of our two day carpet installation!
*cleaned master bathroom top to bottom
*pulled all of the clothes and shoes out of the master closet and piled them on my bed
*three loads of laundry washed
*vacuumed downstairs of house
*diapered, dressed, and fed two children (well, only the two year old is in diapers)
3. What are your favorite snacks?
Here is where I'm supposed to say hummus and carrot sticks with a glass of ice water, right? (See, Jill and I think alike on this one--we *know* what the "right" answer is...our real answers just aren't quite so healthy!) Truthfully my favorite snack is more like reduced-fat Cheezits and Coke Zero. Oh and some chocolate. Chocolate is a food group, you know!
4. Places I have lived
*Mermaid Beach, Queensland, Australia
*Kirkland, Washington
*Marysville, Washington
*South Hadley, Massachusetts
*Hamilton, New York
*Groton, Connecticut
*and now I live in another place :)
5. Five things I would do if I were a billionaire
*Donate huge amounts to cancer research, especially breast cancer and prostate cancer
*Set aside a chunk of money to fund our retirement
*Set up college funds for my children, my niece and nephew, and my cousins' children (who I view as nieces and nephews)
*Pay off our house and car
*Pay off my mom's house and car
*Establish a scholarship fund at my college alma mater
*Donate to my church
Ooops, that was more than five things--I started to get carried away by my new-found wealth.
Now it is my turn to tag someone...so I tag *YOU*! Let me know if you accept the tag and do a MeMe so that I can come over and read your post!