Thursday, August 21, 2008


So I blog-hopped my way over to "Just a Girl" and was having fun looking around on her site and before I knew it, I found a new project idea! She found a website called Wordle and you can use it to create "word clouds" out of any words you input. So neat!! Here is her post where she made a Wordle and framed it.

Here is one that is Chapter 1 of Revelations ~ Divine Love. (I didn't make this one, I found it on their site in the gallery.)
Isn't that neat?!

Well, I think it is--so I'm doing it too. Copying equals flattery, right? Right! I already printed out what I want to frame and it will be going in my master bathroom. I'll post pictures of the master bathroom whenever we get around to finishing it. (It has been over a year since that project was started...)

In the meantime, I did a Wordle of my blog! You just put in your blog address and *poof* it does all the work for you! The bigger words are the ones that are mentioned most often...I guess I talk about mistreatments a lot. And I say like a lot. Like I guess I like a lot of things more than I don't like them. Or something like that. (ha!)

By the way--there is no way to save your Wordle as a jpeg. You have to either print it, save it in a public gallery (no privacy in Wordle land!), or do a screen capture...which is what I did in order to show you this little Wordle.


  1. What a great idea! Thanks for giving me an idea for a baby shower gift for my niece! And of course I have do frame one for my daughter too ;-)

    I tried my blog address, and the prominent words were just weird.

  2. I can't wait to give wordle a try. If I can figure it out that is. Jackie

  3. Oh neat! I like the one you did with your blog! I saw Chris'post about wordle a while back but I can't get it to work for me. I'm missing some plug in or something. Figures!

  4. That is so neat. I'm going to have to go and check it out.

  5. Thank you for your kind comment about my white sheer bedroom panels. I just posted some photos of the walls we're stenciling in my daughter's bedroom with a huge french damask design. Feel free to take a look. : ) M.L. @

  6. oh that looks fun, I haven't seen it before so thanks for the link


  7. These are soo neat. I'll have to check them out.

  8. Isnt that so cool... I need to try my hand at one too!

  9. That is so neat! I'm going to try one, thanks!
