It's that time of year again...the school year is winding down and it is time to let my daughter's teacher know that I appreciate the time and love she has put into teaching my little girl this year. Last year I painted terracotta pots with chalkboard paint and added a little bundle of chalk (tied with twine) plus some packets of herb seeds and a nice little quote. I had my child write a note to the teacher on the back of the note and it made a nice gift that didn't break the bank and that was, I hope, usable for the teacher. Perhaps we'll do the same thing this year since we've changed schools...hmm...my wheels still are turning on this one!
(Idea originally found here.)
Very cute! I know...I have been thinking and thinking about what to do for the teachers....
Great idea! I'm always looking for new ways to use chalkboard paint! I just might steal this idea for next year. :)
I was looking for something cute and this is perfect!! Thank you!!
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