Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Feverish Girl

Yesterday and today, my day has looked like this...
...a sweet five year old girl with a 104 degree fever. She had three ballet recitals over the weekend and ended up catching the mystery bug that felled numerous other students over the course of the weekend.

More about her recital later...for now, I have a sick baby to take care of!


Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

Poor little thing! I don't envy her, or you! I hope she feels better soon!

Unknown said...

Oh I hope she feels better soon!

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Poor little thing! I hope she feels better soon!


emily freeman said...

As much as I hate when they are sick, sometimes its sweet to snuggle up with a human heater and watch cartoons all day. Thank you for adding this post to Tuesdays Unwrapped. I hope that little doll feels better soon!